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leadership workshop - 9-10.05.2016 Budapest


Martin T. Ringer - Gabor T. Szabo


Engaging with power: Becoming

a ‘containing’ leader

How the inner world of leaders creates reality in the group




After last year’s successful workshop, the "Engaging with power: becoming a ‘containing’ leader" workshop will be presented by Martin T. Ringer and Gabor T Szabo. Martin and Gabor have both consulted for decades to organizations and both are experienced at working with leadership and its challenges.


Since the very beginning of the organization of this conference we had the intention of providing a training program both for Hungarian experts from the field of organizational development and for executives or designated people of for- and non-profit companies, which could offer a world-class learning experience for those who want to improve their leadership skills. 

This time the workshop is organized as a post-conference workshop in a different, easy to access location.  The conference officially ends on Sunday afternoon, and the workshop starts on the next morning.



Goal of the workshop


To enable participants to recognize a double-bind of expectations of how to be a good leader and find a way to take these into account. We also explore how the assumptions, beliefs and unconscious values of a leader influence the operation of the organization.


Workshop synopsis


This workshop will enable participants to explore the question of how they can be both powerful in leadership, management or executive roles and still successfully engage with others in their organization (‘above, beside and below’ them).

We will address the tensions that occur when on one hand leaders are expected to be clear, firm, strong and decisive whilst on the other hand they are expected to engage with others, motivate their employees and promote employee innovation and autonomy. In conventional terms these are paradoxical and contradictory demands on leaders. However, when considered from the framework of ‘containment’ the leader can be powerful in setting direction and maintaining limits (including saying ‘no’) thereby providing a safe container for employees, within which they are able to explore, innovate and find their own solutions to problems.

However this is a complex task and calls on leaders to be self-aware and able to navigate the complex psychological, emotional and cognitive tasks that are involved in building and maintaining highly functional organizational containers. Hence the second major theme of the workshop is exploration of participants’ internal worlds involving their personal relationship with power and control as well as the way in which they engage with others.


This workshop will be facilitated by Martin Ringer and Timur Gábor Szabó, who recently started collaborating on their passion for postmodern leadership.



Examples of program elements include


• Introducing the purpose of the workshop and refining the workshop based on participants’ needs


• Information sessions on the theory of double-binds of seemingly conflicted demands and how the two main modes of operation of the conscious and unconscious mind can create challenges in leadership.


• Practice sessions where participants will be able to take a closer look at their real communication through a video feedback’s micro analysis and realize the gap between wanted and genuine presence among people.

• Whole-group conversations to help integrate and make sense of the ideas presented in the workshop


• Small group sessions where participants talk about applying their new knowledge to their work places.


The presenters will be at the venue for a time following the workshop and are willing to discuss means by which follow up for the workshop may be arranged by email and/or Skype.


About Martin Thomas Ringer (Australia)

Martin runs an independent organizational consulting business based in Perth, Western Australia and le Corrêze, France. He specializes in working with executive, leadership and joint venture teams to enhance the effectiveness of their working together and thinking together as collectives. His recent clients successfully negotiated a $50 Billion dollar agreement through a process facilitated by Martin. He has worked with clients, presented keynote speeches and presented workshops in dozens of countries world wide and his work is widely published.  See

About Gabor Timur Szabo (Hungary)

Gábor is a psychologist, experiential educator and an OD consultant for 15 years, Co-leading a group of independent consultants.

He gets intellectually excited when observing the phenomenon: how human beings are connected. He loves how people are the same in their endless differences and believes that humans are perfect in their imperfections.


The Leadership Workshop


The "Becoming a ‘containing’ leader" workshop is brought to Hungary by Martin T Ringer and Gabor T. Szabo for our request.


Since the very beginning of the organization of this conference we had the intention of providing a training program both for Hungarian experts from the field of organizational development and for executives or designated people of for- and non-profit companies, which could offer a world-class learning experience for those participants from the above mentioned sectors who want to improve their professional skills. 


However the workshop is organized within the frames of the whole conference, but it's also an individual program.  The conference officially ends on Sunday afternoon, and the "Becoming a ‘containing’ leader" workshop starts on Monday morning , in Budapest, as post-conference program.


Location: Budapest, Kazimir Bistro (VII. Kazinczy utca 34.)

Date: 9-10 May, 2016.

Duration: 8 hours/day

Programs schedule: from  Monday 9.00 am - to Tuesday 17.00


Language: English


Application: By filling out the






Normál díjfizetés
Normal fee
from 1st of Febr.
till 1 of May


Késői díjfizetés
Late fee
from 2nd of May
registration fees*



Leadership  Workshop 

(Monday - Tuesday)

Leadership Workshop +

and whole conferencel

(Friday  - Tuesday)

Leadership Workshop

(Monday - Tuesday)



Leadership Workshop  +

whole ÖSVÉNY conference fee

(Friday - Tuesday)



95.000.- ft

code 21


110.000.- ft

kód 23

 110.000.- ft

code 22

 130.000.- ft

kód 24

180.000.- ft

kód 25

250.000 - ft  

kód 26

* a workshop részvételi díj tartalmazza:


The registration fee includes

  • participation on the Workshop

  • all refreshments and dinner on Monday evening

  • WS folder and equipment needed

** Please contact us directly if you are seeking sponsorship for fees



Information on payment
  • name of the Foundation: KÉTTÉ Alapítvány

  • bank account number  ERSTE Bank: 11600006-00000000-60093031

  • please write in 'message' of the transfer:

    • name of participant

    • code of the FEE (21 - 26)


If you have any question, please do not hesitate to connect!

telephone1:  0630 4008800

telephone2:  0620 5421583



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